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رش محرك السيارة بمنظف خاص قبل غسله بالماء! In general, it is not recommended to wash the car engine directly with water, especially if you do not have enough experience.

Spray the car engine with a special cleaner before washing it with water! In general, it is not recommended to wash the car engine directly with water, especially if you do not have enough experience. **Why?** * **Electrical component damage:** Water can damage sensitive electrical components in the engine, such as spark plugs, sensors, and computers. * **Metal parts corrosion:** Over time, water can corrode metal parts in the engine, which can cause serious problems. * **Water entering the internal parts:** If water enters the internal parts of the engine, such as pistons or valves, it can cause damage to them. **When can the engine be washed with water?** * **In urgent need:** If the engine is very dirty and needs a thorough cleaning, you can wash it with water with extreme caution. * **By a specialist:** It is always preferable to have the engine washed by a specialist who has the necessary experience and tools to avoid any damage. **Tips for washing the engine with water (if necessary):** * **Use a small amount of water:** The least amount of water possible should be used to clean the engine. * **Cover electrical components:** Sensitive electrical components should be covered with plastic bags to protect them from water. * **Use low pressure:** Low pressure water should be used to avoid damaging any parts. * **Dry the engine well:** After washing the engine, it should be dried well using a clean towel or air dryer. **Alternatives to washing the engine with water:** * **Use special cleaning materials:** There are special cleaning materials designed to clean engines without the need to use water. * **Use steam:** Steam can be used to clean the engine effectively and safely. **Conclusion:** Washing a car engine with water can be risky if not done properly. Therefore, it is best to avoid washing the engine with water unless absolutely necessary, and it is always preferable to seek the help of a specialist to clean the engine safely and effectively.
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