أخبار ساخنة

بعد عملية تجديد المحرك. الدخان يخرج من ملف التبخير. الأمر ليس طبيعيًا اح...

After engine overhaul. Smoke is coming out of the evaporator coil. This is not normal. There may be a problem Some possibilities: * **Oil Burn:** During the repair process, oil may have reached the evaporator coil. When the engine starts, this oil burns and produces smoke. Check for leaks or spills around the evaporator coil area. * **Electrical problem:** There may be a short or malfunction in an electrical component near the evaporator coil, causing burning and smoke. * **Debris in the system:** Foreign objects, such as rags or tools accidentally left behind during a repair, may burn on the hot evaporator coil. **It is important to stop using the engine immediately.** Smoke can indicate a serious problem that could damage the engine further or even lead to a fire. Here's what you can do: * **Turn off the engine.** * **Visually inspect the area around the evaporator coil** for any signs of burning, leaks or foreign objects. *If you cannot identify the problem yourself, **consult a qualified mechanic** to diagnose and repair the problem. They will be able to assess the situation and recommend the best course of action. **Remember that your safety is important. If you don't feel comfortable checking the engine yourself, don't hesitate to contact a professional.**